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Even though my main teaching interest is Robotics, through years I have been teaching many different topics:

Robotics and Automatic Control

Robotics Systems Control (2007-)

Where Université Pierre et Marie Curie, SDI Master’s program: Advanced Systems and Robotics
Level M.Sc. 2nd year
Type Lectures, Lab
Description Robotics technology, Task-space parametrisation, Model derivation at the kinematics, velocity kinematics and dynamics level, Parametric model identifcation, Classical control schemes in Robotics, Decentralised (PID), dynamics decoupling and dynamics feedforward controllers, Lab. application on a 2 DoFs manipulator

Modeling in Robotics (2016-)

Where Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Polytech’Paris SDI Master’s program: Mechatronic Systems for Rehabilitation
Level Eng. Deg. 4th year
M.Sc. 2nd year
Type Lectures, Tutorials
Description DH parameters, Forward and inverse models at the kinematics, velocity kinematics and dynamics level

Introduction to Robotics (2015-)

Where Université Pierre et Marie Curie, UFR d’Ingéniérie, Licence de Mécanique et d’Électronique
Level B.Sc. 2nd year
Type Tutorials, Lab
Description General introduction to Robotics in terms of technological elements, models and control

Advanced Robotics Systems (2009-2011)

Where Université Pierre et Marie Curie, SDI Master’s program: Mechatronic Systems for Rehabilitation
Level M.Sc. 2nd year
Type Lab
Description Forward and inverse models at the kinematics, velocity kinematics and dynamics level, redundancy resolution : applications on a 6 DoFs manipulator in Matlab

Automatic control (2001 – 2004)

Where Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tarbes
Level Eng. Deg. 3rd year
Type Tutorials
Description Modeling and control of continuous-time linear systems – Linearisation, Frequency domain representations (Bode, Nyquist, Black-Nichols plots, Evans root locus), Asymptotic stability, Steady-state precision, PID Controller specifications, Matlab examples

Computer Science: Imperative and System Programming

Imperative programming and data structures in C (2007 – 2011)

Where Université Pierre et Marie Curie, UFR d’Ingéniérie, Licence d'informatique
Level B.Sc. 2nd year
Type Tutorials, Lab
Description Makefile and Compilation chain, Data types and structures, Introduction to genericity, Dynamic memory allocation, Self-referencing data structures: linked chains, trees, hash tables, LZW compression, Basic image processing

Imperative programming for scientific computing in Fortran 90 (2007 – 2011)

Where Université Pierre et Marie Curie, UFR d’Ingéniérie, Licence de Mécanique
Level B.Sc. 2nd year
Type Tutorials, Lab
Description Computer architecture and UNIX, Makefile and Compilation chain, Basics of imperative programming in Fortran 90, Scientific computation project

System Programming (2007 – 2011)

Where Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Polytech’Paris
Level Eng. Deg. 4th year
Type Lectures, Lab
Description Operating System basics, Makefile and compilation chain, process: fork() and overlay primitives (exec*()), Function pointers, Threads and mutexes, I/O handling, File access, Inter Process Communication: pipes, micro-shell project

Recursive programming in Scheme (2007 – 2009)

Where Université Pierre et Marie Curie, UFR d’Ingéniérie
Level B.Sc. 1st year
Type Lab

C programming (2004 – 2005)

Where Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tarbes
Level Eng. Deg. 1st year
Type Lab

Computer Science: Micro-control and Assembly Language

Machine and Representation (2007 – 2009)

Where Université Pierre et Marie Curie, UFR d’Ingéniérie, Licence d'Informatique
Level B.Sc. 2nd year
Type Tutorials, Lab
Description Boole algebra and data representations, Assembly langage (MIPS): registers and memory, instructions format, control structures, arrays representation, stack and function calls, functions parameters and local variables, recursive functions

Micro-control and industrial computer programming (2001 – 2005)

Where Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tarbes
Level Eng. Deg. 4th year
Type Tutorials, Lectures
Description C programming of micro-controllers for real-time control applications – Application to the Motorola M68HC11, Progammable timers and interruptions, A/D conversion, Asynchronous Serial Communication

Computer Science: Miscellaneous

Introduction to scientific programming (2009 – )

Where Université Pierre et Marie Curie, SDI Master’s program: Advanced Systems and Robotics
Level M.Sc. 1st year
Type Lectures, Lab
Description Operating System basics, Makefile and compilation chain, C programming, Python programming, ODE numerical integration basics, Blender physics engine

Algorithmics (2004 – 2005)

Where Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tarbes
Level Eng. Deg. 1st & 2nd year
Type Lectures, Tutorials
Description Fundamental principles: data representations, Turing machine, elementary control structure), Arrays, Strings, Structures, Sorting algorithms and complexity, Modularity, Recursivity, Abstract data types: Stack/Queue, Trees (binary, AVL, 2-3-4, Huffman compression), Graphs

Logic programming (2005)

Where Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tarbes
Level& Eng. Deg.1st year
Type Tutorials
Description Boole Algebra, Logic gates, Karnaugh maps, Logic gates synthesis: encoders, decoders, transcoders, multiplexers, demultiplexers