The Multimodal Haptics group is part of the Multiscale Interactions team in ISIR. Its research interests relate to haptics and cognition. The main questions that we ask ourselves are how the human tactile sensitivity works and how it integrates with other senses to shape subjective feelings. We are also interested in designing novel methods for characterizing human touch and new technologies rendering rich tactile cues. We investigate these intriguing questions from several perspectives by using a variety of engineering and neuroscientific methods.
Recent works / Projects / News
01/01/24: Beginning of the ERC Starting grant ‘Computational Modelling of Tangible Objects on Multisensory Interfaces‘
25/05/22: Inès Lacôte received the best paper award at Eurohaptics 2022
25/05/22: Thomas Daunizeau received the Industrial demo award at Eurohaptics 2022