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[May 2022] Our demo on tactile surfaces with acoustic meta-materials [Thomas Daunizeau, David Gueorguiev, Sinan Haliyo and Vincent Hayward] obtained the First Industrial Award at EuroHaptics 2022.

[May 2022] I participated in a round table “Collaborative robotics, how to optimize your choices?” at the Global Industrie exhibition in Paris

[April 2022] Former PhD student Elodie Bouzbib received the award for the best interdisciplinary thesis at the IHM2022 conference

[Decembre 2021] Our paper Interactive Article Laser-Actuated microrobots for Experimental Biology (Edison Gerena, Stéphane Régnier, Sinan Haliyo) received Best Student Paper Award at ISOT 2021

[Octobre 2021] Our ANR OPTOBOTS project proposal, with Femto-ST and the Institut Pasteur, was selected for funding.

[Septembre 2021] Our paper A Trajectory Model for Desktop-scale Hand Redirection in Virtual Reality [Flavien Lebrun, Sinan Haliyo and Gilles Bailly] received IFIP TC13 Pioneers’ Award for Best Doctoral Student Paper at INTERACT 2021

[July 2021] Our article Phononic Crystals Applied to Localised Surface Haptics [Thomas Daunizeau, David Gueorguiev, Sinan Haliyo and Vincent Hayward] was selected for Best IEEE Transactions on Haptics Short Paper Honorable Mention at World Haptics 2021.