MAPTICS is an ANR JCJC project that aims to develop a novel multimodal haptic framework by characterizing how users integrate multisensory cues into a unified perception and exploring how haptics can be integrated in the next-generation of multisensory interfaces that combine high-fidelity tactile, auditory and visual feedback.
Specifically, it explores how vibro-friction feedback can improve haptic rendering and how reinforcement or disruption of the representation of virtual haptic shapes and textures occur when tactile, auditory, and visual cues are simultaneously played.
Maptics will eventually enable the inception and evaluation of novel multimodal HCI applications for healthy and sensory impaired users through new techniques for creating shape on multimodal augmented maps.
News & Awards
- Oral presentation at HAID 2022 in London [August 2022]
- Industrial award for best demo at Eurohaptics 2022 [June 2022]
People involved
Rohou-Claquin B, Auvray M, Le Carrou JL, Gueorguiev D. Perception of Guitar Strings on a Flat Visuo-Haptic Display. International Workshop on Haptic and Audio Interaction Design 2022 (pp. 135-145).